How did a church camp come about that would both encourage girls in their faith walk and celebrate the writings and times of                      Laura Ingalls Wilder? 

Over one hundred years ago a camp meeting grounds grew up in Michigan at a place called Crystal Springs. A large meeting hall, called the Tabernacle, was built. And people built a variety of cottages, too, so they would have a place to stay during their gatherings. As the years went by the meetings gave way to more modern vacations and the site began to be used as a summer church camp. One day a camp director arrived whose wife loved the Little House Books. She looked at the historic church camp site, then looked at her love for the Laura books, and wondered, why not put the two together? So she and a friend did just that and Laura Ingalls Wilder Church Camp was born. Then she passed along that special week of camp to someone else. And that person wondered, could we put what we do at camp on paper so others could have Laura Camps, too? And that was me, Cindy Einselen.

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